Guided Reading Programme Short Reads Plus Student Pack (3)

# 需詳看內頁了解教學資源請line紫婕!學校專用優惠好康請私line配套建議!
Guided Reading Programme Short Reads Plus Student Pack (3)
頁數/規格:含: Student Book/Activity Book/Reading Journal

# 需詳看內頁了解教學資源請line紫婕!學校專用優惠好康請私line配套建議!
頁數/規格:含: Student Book/Activity Book/Reading Journal
A unique, research-based solution for Levels 1-6, giving students access to short, interesting, developmentally appropriate fiction and non-fiction texts for deep reading and deep comprehension, accompanied by writing activities and comprehensive teacher-support materials
Brings the best selection of short texts to engage readers in fiction and non-fiction
Provides access to various themes and perspectives through compelling short texts covering a wide variety of topics and themes
Promotes close reading of fiction and non-fiction genres, leading to understanding of plot and structure, purpose and key ideas
Texts are thematically aligned to the Cambridge English Qualifications and the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR)

Student Book
The Student Book offers a selection of engaging, high-interest, beautifully presented fiction and non-fiction texts (15 each) that are carefully grouped within Guided Reading Levels and Lexile bands.

Activity Book
The Activity Book offers a range of activities that have been specially designed to build reading comprehension and writing skills. The graphic organisers and writing worksheets in this collection encourage children to structure their thinking and organise information from the texts they have read, while nurturing creativity and developing fluency in writing.

Reading Journal
The Reading Journal has been specially designed for students to record new vocabulary and reading progress for each of the 30 texts within each level.