Top Phonics Readers (4)

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Top Phonics Readers (4) To the Shop! with Audio CD/1片
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作者:Anne Taylor
出版商:Seed Learning
參考網頁:Top Phonics Readers Series
Study phonics with Top Phonics Kids.
Top Phonics 6 an easy to use review of the essential sounds of English, developed for young learners who are already familiar with the English alphabet. In this book, students learn to recognize and say short vowel sounds, long vowel sounds, double-letter consonant sounds, and double-letter vowel sounds, Top Phonics 6 provide a guided, step-by-step presentation of vowel and consonant combinations. Top Phonics 6 allows learners to develop their English skills in an engaging, systematic, and effective manner.
5 charming characters who appear throughout all five books
Entertaining chants and songs to provide Listening and pronunciation practice
Fun stories to develop reading skills
Engaging activities to build reading, listening, and writing skills beyond rote practice
Strategic introduction of sight words to increase reading fluency
Enjoyable review activities at the end of each book
Student Books
Top Phonics 1 Single-Letter Sounds
Top Phonics 2 Short Vowel Sounds
Top Phonics 3 Long Vowel Sounds
Top Phonics 4 Double-Letter Consonant Sounds
Top Phonics 5 Double-Letter Vowel Sounds
Workbooks 1-5Downloodable Answer Keys, MP3 Files, Tests, Writing Worksheets, Flashcards, Teacher’s Guides