Happy Grammar (3) Student Book with Workbook

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作者: 東華編輯部


Happy Grammar Student Book with Workbook
Happy Grammar is a four-level series designed for emergent students of English, and it focuses on fundamental grammar structures. The aim of the series is to teach the beginning principles of grammar, correct usage, and composition. The books explain elementary grammar theories with helpful illustrations and photographs. The kid-friendly layout and interesting activities encourage students to participate. The series can be used at home or in the classroom, and it contains an abundance of useful exercises which give students the opportunity to consolidate what they have learned.

  •Easy-to-follow lessons organized by how students naturally learn
  •Clear explanations with useful illustrations and realistic examples
  •High-frequency vocabulary and sentence patterns
  •A wide variety of exercises that make learning fun
  •Review sections and tests included
  •Pull-out workbook included
  •Additional writing worksheets available for download